About Us

Tree Services Launceston TSL is the leading local team of arborists servicing North Eastern Tasmania. We provide all customers with an exceptional level of tree care services.

Tree Services Launceston TSL


Guarantee of quality. Tree care services should always be performed by professionals that have strong tree knowledge. This is because they know where and how to trim the trees to prevent damage and promote a healthy tree. The experts at Tree Services Launceston TSL know what trees need to remain healthy. They deliver a high level of service with every job they perform.we can to ensure that we’re not overbooked or rushed, meaning that we don’t cut corners to get jobs finished, as this typically results in an inferior finish and unhappy customers, and we take customer satisfaction seriously!

Customer Service. Tree Services Launceston TSL is committed to excellence with every job we book. Our goal is to make sure our customers are 100% satisfied with the work we provide. You can expect friendly service from the first time you call about an inquiry throughout every job you book us for. Our team isn’t happy unless our customers are.

Frequently Asked Questions

Removing a tree can vary in price considerably depending on a lot of different variables. To price a job we need to consider things such as the location of tree (wedged in between 2 houses or in an open field will change our approach), how tall and wide the tree is, how extensive the canopy is, the tree species, whether there is good access or not (can we get our truck close to it?), etc. All these and more can affect the complexity and the time taken to complete the job, so if you need a price it’s probably best to call in an arborist and organise a free quote.

We sure do – with our trusty chipper we can turn any tree into a pile of woodchips in no time. You may prefer though to keep some of the tree for firewood, or keep the woodchips to use around your garden, or we can of course take them away with us. Whatever you want basically.

Some trees do genuinely need to be removed, such as if they’re dead (there’s a risk they’ll come down on their own otherwise) as it can be a safety hazard, or it may be diseased or severely damaged by storms. Or you may just want it gone for whatever reason as well. If you’re having an issue with the tree that only involves a branch or 2, such as dropping excess leaves or branches, or blocking too much sunlight over a certain area, then removing a few specific branches makes sense as well and doesn’t require removing the entire tree. If you have questions or concerns here we’re happy to offer a free quote and help you through your options.

We have the skills to remove gum pine oak trees.